While Little T was at her cousins’ house for a sleepover (click here for a post about her adventure), I took the other three kids to the Tosa Farmers Market. It’s amazing how having one less child to watch after changes the vibe!
After running into our neighbors and chatting near the railroad tracks, we headed in to take a look at the goods. We marveled at the green lettuce, drooled over the real strawberries (not those giant barely-red ones that are abundant in the grocery store), and purchased some fresh eggs.
After taking a lap to see all the vendors, we stopped to listen to some delightful music.
Claire Kelly was the musician that day, and my favorite was her version of “Toxic” by Brittany Spears. I actually ended up meeting Claire at the Radio Milwaukee Studio Session a few days after this trip, and she’s a really lovely person. We chatted about her internship at the radio station, and she hooked up my kids with stickers and buttons.
Since it was time for “second breakfast” (anyone else’s kids hungry like an hour after breakfast?), we stopped at the Blue’s Egg stand and got an order of pancakes for the twins to share. And since I was too busy feeding kids their first breakfast and forgot to feed myself, I got the polenta business. complete with an egg and creole sauce on top. I’m sure the dish has an actual name, but that’s the best I can do. It was amazing by the way. We heard a train passing by and J couldn’t contain himself, yelling “CHOO CHOO!!!!!”.
After making another lap, we took my good friend Kate’s advice (because she has young kids and basically knows everything about this city, a great combo) and went down to the river to throw rocks in the water and wave at trains. The pictures below are the only evidence of J and Little A having any special “twin connection” that people always ask me about, as their waving hands are in sync.
J and Little A had a blast throwing rocks. We spent probably 20 minutes talking about trains and seeing how far they could toss stones. And we also just hung out in silence, because being a two year old takes a lot of concentration. It was a great morning, and I think we all enjoyed switching up the family dynamic a bit. Little T got some special time with her cousins, and the twins got a bit more attention from me. And of course Baby S is the most chill and happy baby ever, so she isn’t complaining.
Do you guys have any suggestions for other farmers markets in the Milwaukee area? I’ve been meaning to hit up the West Allist market forever, but I’m sure there are many more worth checking out. I’d love to hear your favorites.
Thanks for reading,
A. Storm
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